Theoretical framework
To structure the information, a framework covering four common paradigms in social theory, two views to complexity and three perspectives on the nature of human interaction is used.
Research question to be addressed
What are platform ecosystem options from a national perspective within different user and technology scenarios?
To create a comprehensive picture of the options for platform ecosystem development directions to serve as a basis for the other work packages.
Description of tasks
1. Interview experts (using snowball sampling) in order to get an idea of key words and concepts related to platform ecosystems and identify where the discussion has been going on.
2. Mine the identified sources (e.g., newspaper articles, blog posts, scientific articles, twitter) using the keywords. PESTEV analysis.
Report(s) on key options of platform ecosystems
One round of horizon scanning using the framework and participatory approach completed (Year 3). The framework packaged as an easy to use and comprehensive tool for horizon scanning (Year 6).
Heidi Korhonen (leader), VTT Technical Research Center of Finland, Ltd.
Raija Koivisto, VTT Technical Research Center of Finland, Ltd. Twitter
Brenda Fox, Global X-Network, USA.
Phill White, Global X-Network, USA.
Previously involved researchers
Victor Vurpillat, Global X-Network, USA. Twitter
Mikko Dufva, VTT Technical Research Center of Finland, Ltd. Twitter
Heidi Auvinen, VTT Technical Research Center of Finland, Ltd. Twitter